2 سال - ترجمہ کریں۔

You should have endurance!

There is a legal concept known as statutes of limitations, according to which you are not obligated to pay debts older than the applicable statutes to allow. Therefore, if your obligations expire, refrain from action because your debts will be void in a few days or months. But this varies from province to province, so speak with a LIT once before calling.
The Canadian government recognizes the human right to a good life as a fundamental value. They want to provide you with a chance to start over in life and a solution to your debt issues. So let go of your worry and contact Bankruptcy Canada; our LIT will provide you with the mental clarity and debt-reduction strategies you need.
For more info visit:- https://sites.google.com/view/....consumer-proposal-ne

Consumer Proposal Alberta

You should choose a consumer proposal if you can't pay your debts on time and are in too much debt. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee negotiates a legally binding deal with your creditors through a consumer proposal in Alberta (LIT). LIT manages the