Fruit Picking Robots Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increasing Demand for Automated Fruit Harvestin

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The global fruit picking robots market is estimated to be valued at US$ 728.07 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

Fruit picking robots are autonomous robots that are capable of harvesting various types of fruits such as apples, strawberries, oranges etc with high precision. These robots incorporate computer vision technology, sensors and grippers to identify, pick and collect fruits gently without causing any damage. They minimize production costs by reducing dependency on human labor.

Market Dynamics:
The global fruit picking robots market is witnessing high growth owing to increasing demand for automated fruit harvesting. As highlighted earlier, fruit picking robots reduce dependency on human labor which minimizes production costs for farmers significantly. Additionally, they offer consistency in fruit picking by harvesting fruits at the optimal ripening stage without any bruising or damage. This ensures high quality of harvested fruits. Fruit picking robots work 24/7 and can perform harvesting even in unfavorable weather conditions such as heavy rain or extreme heat. This eliminates risks associated with manual fruit harvesting and increases farm productivity. Rising labor costs and shortage of farm workers are other important factors fueling adoption of fruit picking robots across developed as well as developing countries globally.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: Fruit picking robots are highly efficient allowing farmers to reduce expenses on manual labor significantly. These robots can pick fruits 24/7 regardless of weather conditions which increases yield. The computer vision and sensors enable robots to selectively pick ripe fruits without damage.

Weakness: High initial investment requirements pose challenges for small farmers. Technical difficulties and repairs could disrupt operations until addressed. Limited precision may result in some fruits being left behind or others picked too early/late.

Opportunity: Automating fruit harvesting addresses labor shortages facing the agriculture industry. Robots free up farmers to focus on other tasks. Growing global demand for fruits along with limits on agricultural land expansion point to robotics as a solution. Export markets in developed countries demanding quality standards are potential opportunity.

Threats: Concerns over job losses may face resistance from labor unions. Technical challenges from varying fruit sizes, orchard layouts need continuous improvements. High maintenance costs to replace/repair components could affect viability. Innovation from competitors may lead to new product offerings challenging market share.

Key Takeaways

The  Global Fruit Picking Robots Market Size is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030, growing at an estimated CAGR of 11%. The market size for fruit picking robots was valued at US$ 728.07 Mn in 2023.

Europe currently dominates due to extensive fruit orchards and early robotics adoption among farmers. However, Asia Pacific is poised to be the fastest growing market with countries like India and China significantly boosting robotics in agriculture.

Key players operating in the fruit picking robots market are DHL International GmbH, AnyLogistix, LogicManager, Inc., SAP Arbia, Avetta, LLC, EXIGER, MetricSream, JAGGAER, CURA, Marsh LLC. Major players are focused on developing newer technologies like machine learning, computer vision and sensory capabilities to improve harvesting efficiency. Partnerships between robot manufacturers, cloud service providers and orchard owners will likely expand tailored automation solutions. While high costs remain a challenge, government incentives and bulk purchases areattempts to promote increased robotics usage. The future outlook is positive as technological advances address issues around precision, yield and low labor costs.


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