How Customer Loyalty Programs in India Nurture Loyalty

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distributor loyalty program, GENEFIED, loyalty program, Retailer Loyalty Platform, Rewardify, Rewards Solution

Is retaining customers an arduous task? 

Why is it becoming important to retain customers? Will a distributor loyalty program work for your brand?

Let’s dig deeper into this matter.. 

As competition is increasing every day, companies want to make their customers happy and keep them coming back. 

It can be achieved by going for a distributor loyalty program which can give your customers some benefits and keep them associated with your brand. These could be discounts or extra perks to reward them for their contribution.  

But why are these programs important? Well, they help build strong relationships between the brand and the customers. When distributors feel appreciated, they’re more likely to keep selling a company’s products.

What to look for in choosing the best customer loyalty programs in India?


Every business’s needs are different, the best distributor loyalty program is one which can offer your customization as per the dynamic requirements of your brand and customers.

Secondary data collection 


By leveraging advanced analytics, brands can gain invaluable insights into secondary sales data, enabling them to make informed decisions and strategies.

Consumer insights

To provide consumers with a personalised user experience, brands need an engaging approach to retain them. Look for a loyalty partner that has some bleeding edge techniques for their engagement and retention like gamification. 

Agile rewarding scheme 

Your distributor loyalty program must be agile to meet the vital demands of customers. Always dig deep into the loyalty rewards schemes, they must be user-friendly and robust. 

Genefied’s trusted customer loyalty programs in India drive you to the path of success by providing these mind-blowing features:

  • Personalisation to make them feel connected 
  • Customer engagement via FOMO creation
  • Consumer engagement through gamification techniques
  • Access to secondary and tertiary data for retargeting purposes
  • End-to-end digitised approach to reward management schemes  

Want to be a successful brand? 

Schedule a meeting with Genefied.
