7 Best Tips For Playing Triple Play Video Poker

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Triple Play Video Poker is a video poker game that has three play options - draw, hold, and exchange. The game has wild symbols and bonus rounds. It’s quite different from other video poker games that are played with one hand.

Triple Play Video Poker is a video poker game that has three play options - draw, hold, and exchange. The game has wild symbols and bonus rounds. It’s quite different from other video poker games that are played with one hand. But the similarity between Triple Play and all other video poker games is the goal of getting a winning hand/ hands. In this blog, we will cover all the basic information about triple play video poker. We will also discuss betting strategies to help you win big money in this game. So if you’re an avid video poker player looking to learn more about triple play video poker, continue reading!



Understanding Hand Rankings

Hand Rankings are a key part of playing triple play video poker.


At the most basic level, hand rankings determine which cards you'll be getting when you draw your next hand. This is usually done by ranking the hands from highest to lowest in terms of value. For example, if you're playing Video Poker with a 25-cent bet per hand, then your highest-valued hand would be worth 2 credits, your next-highest would be worth 1.5 credits, and so on down to 0.1 credits for the lowest-valued hand. 


Since each hand has a different value, this can impact the way that you play it - for example, you might want to avoid playing hands that have high values if you know that you're going to get a low payout for them often. In addition, knowing which hands to play based on your current position in the game can also give you an advantage over other players.



Betting Strategies for Triple-Play Video Poker

In triple play video poker, you basically have three hands at once. This means that you can make different bets on each of your hands in order to try and rise to the top.


There are a few basic betting strategies that you can use when playing triple-play video poker:

  • Don't bet any money on your initial hand. Instead, wait until you know what the other players are going to do before betting anything. 
  • Make conservative bets on your first two hands, and then go all in on your third hand if you think you're going to win it big. 
  • Make medium bets on each of your hands, and then go all in if you think you're going to get a good card combination.




All in all, Triple Play video poker is a game of strategy and luck. If you play smartly, the odds are in your favor to win. Just remember to keep an eye on the pay table and try to play the maximum number of coins (which is three) for better chances of winning. Follow the tips mentioned above and play like a pro! To play video poker online, check out this article on ‘How to play video poker online’.
