BI technology has solved this problem by correlating data from multiple sources to provide a more complete understanding of the drivers of business performance.

Business intelligence has traditionally been delivered to executives and managers in the form of reports and dashboards, but employees in many roles within an organization can now access BI information and perform their roles more effectively. It is becoming more common to do Business intelligence is increasingly delivered in standalone applications, integrated into custom applications, and delivered via intranets and mobile applications.

Why is business intelligence needed?

Business Intelligence (BI) works on the principle that the best decisions are well-founded decisions. Before data analytics techniques, organizations could only answer the simplest questions about business performance. More subtle, complex, or cross-functional insights were either impossible or very expensive and time-consuming.

What do I need to know about business intelligence?

Although the term "business intelligence" describes both a methodology and a category of business software, the primary activity of business intelligence is data analysis. Business intelligence tools and applications correlate and process data about business performance to determine the best course of action for various business functions.

What advantages of business intelligence?

Business intelligence has a direct impact on an organization's strategic, tactical, and operational business decisions. Support fact-based decision-making based on historical data rather than assumptions and intuition. These tools perform data analysis and create reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and charts to provide users with detailed information about the nature of their business. Here are some of the benefits of business intelligence.

The right business intelligence software can help improve organizational productivity by presenting collected data using reports, analytical dashboards, and infographics.

It provides organizations with a holistic view of their business, broken down into different departments, products, services, etc., making it easier to identify areas that need attention or improvement. Complex processes within your organization can be streamlined using advanced automated analytics. This saves companies time and effort, enabling faster and more efficient business processes.
BI software can be used to create visual infographics and easy-to-understand reports to help non-technical people make sense of the metrics.
