WATCH Dorian Thompson-Robinson on UCLA R

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WATCH Dorian Thompson-Robinson on UCLA R

UCLA football quarterback Dorian Thompson-Robinson spoke to reporters following Monday morning's practice se sion at Wa serman Football Center. Thompson-Robinson talked about appearing on SportsCenter, the impact of the Bruins' extended winning ways, his thoughts on Utah beating USC, his first impre sions of Oregon on film and what he remembers from his last few matchups with the Ducks.Enjoy being on SportsCenter this week?Yes, sir. I did. I did. Um, luckily Giannis Antetokounmpo Jersey with my media team here, I got to do it at home and be nice and comfortable, so. It was fun, though, I enjoyed it for sure.Talked about taste of winning in your mouth does that keep building the more succe s the team has?Yeah, for sure. Obviously, you get more and more things added onto your plate and the games get bigger as you go, so you if you lose obviously the next games not going to be as big, so were trying to keep that pace going. We know who we are, we understand that, and we also understand the work that needs to go into keep that, so I think were headed in the right direction right now for sure.Broke Brett Hundley's record, he was very complimentary ever watch him play or know anything about him before coming to UCLA?Yeah, for sure. I think he was probably one of the only UCLA quarterbacks I really watchedI watched Josh a little bit, obviously, his freshman year, but Brett was definitely the guy. Hes the guy that I always thought of when it comes to UCLA quarterbacks and so definitely a guy I look up to and a guy I model after, for sure.Similarities in the way you guys play?Yeah, for sure. Both smart guys, both can read a defense really well. He did some really good things while he was here, especially against SC, being undefeated against those guys and theres definitely Torrey Craig Jersey a lot of things like the legs and the things he can do to create plays and stuff like that definitely show up on the field, for sure.Watch Utah-USC game?I did. I did. I watched it from start to finish, rewatched the highlights and all the film and everything, so Ive watched it multiple times for sure.Takeaways from the game?Yeah. Well, shoot, shoutout to the Utes, they did their thing going in toward the end of the game. I think the real defining moment in that game was the minute before and after halftime when Utah got to be able to tie the game up but no, USCs a really good team, you can see it all over the tape. Obviously, losing Jordan Addison late in that game kind of hurt them a little bit but still a really good team, for sure.How about Oregon now that you've watched some tape?Yeah, really, really fast, front seven, DBs can cover really well, you can tell that theyre well-coached, still a new system, they do a lot of communication pre-snap trying to get guys lined up, so. But again, just a really, really fast defense, thats what I can see from right now.Is there a part of the offense that you feel more comfortable with this season?Um, me personally, I love to throw the ball, so I think the pa s game right now is clicking on all cylinders, obviously leaning on Zach, the O-line, getting those guys going and making sure were getting the run game, it takes a lot of stre s off my plate, so I think leaning on them for sure coming into this game will be a big thing.Smartest players on the team?Whoo, tough question, putting me on the spot. Um, besides me, nah, um, no, theres definitely a lot of smart guys, definitely on the O-line, Id probably say those are the smartest guys on the offense with Jon Gaines, Maf, Sam, Duke, Raiqwon being in grad school and everything, so Id say right now the O-line leads the Jrue Holiday Jersey line for smart guys, but Id say Bobo is really intelligent when it comes to ball, Kaz knows, Kam, Zachs a good football player, but its hard to pick, that was a really tough question for sure.Are you talking about smartest at football or in cla sroom?Scroll to ContinueYeah, high football IQIm not saying that theyre dummies in the cla sroom, but theyre definitely smart guys out on the field.Biased? Didn't mention any defensive guys?Um, nah, Im playing, Im playing. Nah, those guys are really smart too, it's just I know the offensive guys a lot better.Being on the road in Autzen the perfect situation for such an experienced offensive line leading the way?Oh, yeah, for sure, I think its going to be a special moment for everybody, we live for games like thiswhen you get a sold-out crowd, its on College GameDay, anything and everything Cameron Reynolds Jersey you could ask for, its going to be at this game, so we live for moments like this, its going to be really fun and so I think were just ready to attack the week and then looking forward to Saturday, for sure.Is this kind of what you envisioned or maybe better?Oh, no, this is right where I thought wed be coming into this point in the season, you know, you go into a bye week 6-0, coming out of the bye week youve got a really good team on the national spotlight, so you couldnt ask for anything more. I think this is where I personally envisioned this team being and I couldnt be more grateful to be here right now.Want to win it for coach Kelly going back to Oregon, could reshape the whole perception of his time at UCLA?Yeah, for sure. I think this team and myself included wants to win this for this university, coach Kelly includes that and everything hes done for this program, so I think were just trying to put this program, like I said, back in the national spotlight and that obviously comes with coach Kelly because he gets all the recognition being the main guy, so.Caleb Williams' similarities to your game as an undercla sman how did you strike the balance and learn when to give up on a play?Yeah, for sure. I think, like I said, I cant speak on his situation, but on my situation its based on experience, like you said, in my early years I had a lot of flash plays as well as some plays Id like to take back, and so you know, all that goes into it. Ive learned from those flash plays and Ive also learned from the plays where Sterling Brown Jersey I got sacked 20 yards behind the line, so I think thats probably a part of his game too, hes probably going to have to learn through some of those growing pains, but you can see the talent, it jumps off the screen, and I think thats the difference between making splash plays and being able to take control of a game and being a game manager in that way and being able to know when to take your shots on and off the field, so.How big will discipline be given the environment you're going into?Yeah, its going to be a huge thing, you know, their defensive line, they stem and move all the time, so