A key to a vegetarian weight loss diet and Quietum Plus Secrets

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A key to a vegetarian weight loss diet
• Quantity and quality are two key aspects if you want to achieve weight loss with a balanced vegetarian diet and, in addition to choosing the right foods, it is important that you control the size of the portions. Quietum Plus
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A key to a vegetarian weight loss diet

  • Quantity and quality are two key aspects if you want to achieve weight loss with a balanced vegetarian diet and, in addition to choosing the right foods, it is important that you control the size of the portions. Quietum Plus
  • Perform 5 daily meals, 3 main and 2 snacks, to keep the metabolism active.
  • Plan the menus in advance and plan your purchase. Make a list of the necessary foods and make the purchase by sticking to it, without getting carried away by whims.
  • Make a good full breakfast, since it is the intake that starts your body and which provides the necessary calories to start the day. For example, a toast of whole wheat bread with tomato, a glass of vegetable drinks enriched in calcium and 1 piece of fruit.
  • Cook in a healthy way (steam, iron, papillote, oven, boil) and limit the fried and battered. Quietum Plus Reviews
  • Season your meals with herbs, spices and citrus.
  • Moderates the consumption of salt and foods with high sodium content such as prepared dishes, salty snacks, etc.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol at meals, remember that each gram of alcohol provides empty calories and is harmful to health.
  • Limit the consumption of sugar, jams, syrups or honey. If you drink vegetable drink, check that it contains 5g of sugar per 100ml.
  • Stay active and perform physical exercise, this way you will increase the energy expenditure and it will be easier to lose weight.
  • Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, as they provide more nutrients.
  • In the main meals you should consume vegetables, cereals and / or vegetable proteins, oil and dessert.
  • Consume legumes at least 2 or 3 times a week, as they will provide fiber and vegetable proteins.
  • Substitute refined cereals (bread, pasta, and white rice) for whole grains, as they will give you a greater feeling of fullness and also provide more nutrients. To ensure that they are whole you should look at the labeling and the ingredients, the first ingredient should be the cereal in its integral form or whole grain (Example: whole wheat, whole wheat grain).
  • Controls the consumption of fats and uses healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc. In a diet of thinning you can consume daily between 2-4 tablespoons of virgin olive oil and 2-3 walnuts.
  • Limit consumption of saturated fats, such as palm oil, coconut oil, processed foods, cakes, cookies, etc.
  • Limit the consumption of algae due to its high content of iodine; if you like use them as a condiment and not as a main ingredient.
  • Beware of processed products suitable for vegetarians, that a product is suitable for vegetarian consumption does not imply that it is healthy. It is very important to read the labels and the ingredients.
  • Drink 1.5-2l of water daily, if it costs you can help by taking it in teas or vegetable broths.
  • If you are eating out, choose the lighter options, adjust yourself and avoid sauces and accompaniments like chips.
  • Eat slowly, quietly and in a suitable place.
  • Change habits progressively, the most important thing is that you acquire new habits little by little, but permanently.
  • Sleep enough hours and control stress.

