How to see other people's TikTok followers

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TikTok has become one of the most popular social media apps, thanks in large part to its user-friendly interface.

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media apps, thanks in large part to its user-friendly interface. It allows you to easily view and upload small videos, check your analytics and connect with others. However, not everything is so simple. While you can quickly check someone's following on a public account, doing so with a private TikTok profile is a bit trickier.

View TikTok Followers on Public Accounts

If you're curious about what TikTok users are following, you don't have to do much work if their accounts are public.

When a profile is made public, anyone on the platform can see the user's videos and account information. It shouldn't be too difficult to access their follower count using a mobile device.

Follow the steps below to view followers of a public TikTok account on your Android smartphone:

Launch the TikTok app.


Click the "Search" icon in the upper right corner.

Use the search box at the top of the interface to find the profile you want to check.

Click the "Followers" section below your account username.


You should now see all the TikTok accounts following this user. Depending on their popularity, it may take you a few minutes to review the list. TikTok influencers have thousands or even millions of followers, and analyzing their following can be time-consuming. For smaller accounts and micro-influencers, the process is more straightforward. Scrolling down their "Followers" list will give you a better idea of their target audience.

View TikTok followers on private account

TikTok lets users decide whether their profiles are public or private. Checking followers of private accounts is more challenging because only approved users can see videos, live streams and follower information. However, this is not impossible. There are several ways to help you view your private account's "Followers" list. These include following profiles, creating new accounts, and relying on friends for help.

Method 1: Follow configuration files

Users are notified when you press "Follow" on their private account. They will review your request and decide whether to allow you to view their content. If they approve the request, you'll be able to click on the "Followers" section at the top of their profile to see who's following them.

Method 2: Create a new profile

If for some reason you suspect that the account owner will not approve your "follow" request, you can create a new profile. They won't know that you're behind the account, so they may be more inclined to approve "follow" requests.

Keep in mind that this method is not for users who value privacy. They may only allow access to their inner circle. However, if they decide to increase the account, it may work out.

Check follower count in real time on PC

Those looking to start their TikTok career might want to dig into the follower counts of their favorite creators. You'll see how quickly their profile is growing, and you can compare the data to your own numbers. This information can help you refine your online strategy and implement new ways to reach a larger audience.

TikTrace is a handy tool for monitoring someone's TikTok Followers Count in real time. Here's how to use the site:


Access TikTrace from your browser.

Navigate to the upper right corner of the interface and click the "Change" button. This action will generate a new page.

Enter an appropriate TikTok username.


The page will display a list of TikTok profiles based on the username entered. Scan the search results and select the appropriate account.

Wait until the website retrieves the data associated with the selected account. The page will now display the user's follower count.

This information can help you gauge how your competitors are performing on the platform. Alternatively, you may be looking for a TikToker with good analytical skills to promote your business or product.

keep up with follower count

While TikTok is simple to navigate, gathering information about other users can be complex. While checking your "followers" list on a public account is just a few clicks away, a private profile prevents you from accessing this data. Fortunately, you can fix this by creating a new profile or asking a friend for help. Plus, you can monitor someone's follower count in real-time and determine how quickly their online influence is growing. Links:
