lingual braces price philippines

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Many people would like straighter teeth to boost their confidence. The problem is that they don’t want to wear braces to achieve that goal. Invisalign takes care of that issue once and for all.

Many people would like straighter teeth to boost their confidence. The problem is that they don’t want to wear braces to achieve that goal. Invisalign takes care of that issue once and for all.

While you are wearing Invisalign, they are virtually invisible. In fact, most of your friends and coworkers probably won’t give them a second glance.

If you’re going on a date, have an important meeting, or a wedding to attend, you can simply remove them for a while.

No Foods Are Off-Limits!

Traditional braces come with a long list of foods you can’t eat. With Invisalign, you can eat whatever you like. Simply remove your braces before eating and clean your teeth before you put them back on.

What Is the Invisalign Treatment Process?

Step one is a consultation with your orthodontist. During this meeting, he or she will examine your teeth and bite. They’ll also discuss your oral and general health with you.

Next, your orthodontist will use a digital scanner to create a 3D scan of your mouth. Invisalign’s bespoke software will then use this scan to plan your treatment. Your orthodontist will discuss the process with you, and show you a 3D digital model of your final smile!

When you are happy with the plan, your aligners will be ordered. When they arrive, your orthodontist will show you how to wear your Invisalign clear braces and how to care for them.

For best results, you need to wear your lingual braces price philippines between 20-22 hours a day. Depending on your personal treatment plan, you will usually swap out your aligners every one to two weeks.

Approximately every four to six weeks, you will visit your orthodontist for a checkup. This is to check that the treatment is progressing as planned.

Is Invisalign Painful?

After putting in your first set of aligners, it may take a few days for them to become comfortable. That’s because your teeth are starting out on a new journey – and one they don’t really want to take at first!

But is it painful? No. Most people experience some mild discomfort at first, but this wears off quickly.

As the weeks go by, transitioning from one set of aligners to another will not hurt. If you do experience pain, call your orthodontist straight away.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

No two smiles are the same. Some patients only need minor adjustments, whereas others have more complicated cases to resolve.

If you wear your braces as directed, and your case is not complicated, you could complete your treatment in 12 months or less. Complicated cases may need 18 months to resolve the issues fully.

The great thing about Invisalign is that, unlike braces, you don’t have to wait for the big reveal to see your progress. As the weeks go by, you’ll be able to see your teeth gradually moving into their new positions. Most people can notice changes in just a few weeks.

Will I Need a Retainer After Invisalign?

Yes, you will. As with traditional braces, teeth can shift again after completing your Invisalign treatment. To prevent this from happening, you will need to wear a retainer.

The key is understanding what’s happening below the gum line during the treatment. Your teeth, including the roots, are gradually shifting into new positions. This means that their connections with the jawbone are changing.

After you stop wearing your Invisalign aligners, it will take some time for your teeth to become stabilized in your jawbone again. Wearing retainers at night each day for the first year after Invisalign will help to achieve this.

After that, you won’t need to wear your retainer as often, maybe only 3 or 4 times a week. As everybody’s case is slightly different, your orthodontist will advise you on what to do.

Another alternative is a fixed retainer. This is a wire that is attached to the back of the teeth. Their position makes them virtually invisible, and you don’t need to worry about remembering to wear a retainer – or losing it!

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is suitable for almost anyone who wants to improve the health and appearance of their teeth. People of almost all ages can benefit from them!

Invisalign for Kids

We might associate orthodontic treatments with the teenage years, but actually earlier can be better.

Orthodontics for kids, or phase 1 treatment, can be very effective. Even if your child still has baby teeth, they may be a candidate for treatment with Invisalign First. Children as young as 6 may benefit from this treatment.

It allows orthodontists to address issues before they become more established and harder to treat.

Invisalign for Teens

Millions of teens have already benefited from Invisalign. It’s an inconspicuous treatment, at a time when many of us are at our most self-conscious. They can benefit not only from increased confidence but also from better oral health.

If your teen is struggling with any of the following issues, discuss Invisalign with your orthodontist:


  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gap teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crowded teeth


Invisalign for Adults

Do you feel you’ve left it too late to get straight teeth? You’ll be glad to know that there is actually no upper age limit on Invisalign!

As long as you have healthy teeth and gums, there’s no reason for you not to benefit from Invisalign. At your initial consultation, talk to your orthodontist about any health concerns you have.

He or she will be able to advise you whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you.

Are You Ready to Choose Invisalign?

Whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, Invisalign is an outstanding treatment option. It treats everything traditional braces can, but without the visible parts!

Now we’ve answered the question, “How does Invisalign work,” you know that there’s nothing to be afraid of. Invisalign is so comfortable that you’ll forget you’re wearing them – until you see your dazzling new smile in the mirror.

At Smiles on Randolph Dental Med Spa, we have years of experience in successfully treating patients with Invisalign. At our spacious spa, our focus is on your comfort and safety. We use the latest technology to provide you with the best possible results.
