Online Quran Classes | What is Aqiqa

it is recommended for the parents or guardians of a newborn child to perform the aqiqa ritual within seven days after the birth. Moreover, the purpose of aqiqa is to express gratitude to Allah for the gift of a child and to seek His blessings and protection for the newborn.

Aqiqa is a traditional Islamic practice of sacrificing an animal on the occasion of a child's birth. It is considered a form of celebration and thanksgiving for the blessing of a newborn. The word "aqiqa" is derived from an Arabic root word meaning "to cut" or "to sever." online Quran classes tell about the Islamic functions for newborn baby. What is the benefit of Aqiqah in Islam? There are many benefits to performing Aqiqah in Islam. First benefit is the announcement of the birth of the baby. Secondly, Aqiqah means and includes to thank to the Almight ALLAH the Creator.

 According to Islamic tradition,

It is recommended for the parents or guardians of a newborn child to perform the aqiqa ritual within seven days after the birth. Moreover, the purpose of aqiqa is to express gratitude to Allah for the gift of a child and to seek His blessings and protection for the newborn.

During the aqiqa ceremony, a sheep or goat is usually sacrificed, although some families may opt for a larger animal like a cow or camel if they can afford it. As well, the animal is slaughtered in accordance with Islamic dietary laws, and its meat is distributed to the poor and needy as an act of charity.

The aqiqa sacrifice is often accompanied by other acts of worship, such as recitation of the Quran, dua (supplication), and gathering of family and friends to celebrate the birth. It is also customary to give the child a name during the aqiqa ceremony.

While aqiqa is not obligatory in Islam, it is considered a recommended practice and is widely observed in many Muslim communities around the world. It is seen as a way to express gratitude, fulfill a religious duty, and bring blessings to the child and their family.

Online Quran Classes | Importance of Aqiqa for Newborn Baby

Aqiqa holds several significances for a newborn baby in Islamic tradition. Here are some of the key importance of Aqiqa:

Thanking and expressing gratitude to Allah

Aqiqa is a way for parents or guardians to show their gratitude to Allah for the blessing of a child. By performing the aqiqa ritual, they acknowledge that the child is a gift from Allah and express their thanks for this precious blessing.

Seeking Allah's blessings and protection

Through the aqiqa sacrifice and accompanying acts of worship, parents seek Allah's blessings and protection for their child. They invoke Allah's mercy and ask for His guidance and care throughout the child's life.

Symbolic purification and welcome

Aqiqa is seen as a symbolic purification for the child. The sacrifice represents the child's entry into the Muslim community and serves as a way of welcoming the newborn into the family and the broader Islamic community. Learn quran online in online quran academy about the information of all Islamic knowlage.

Act of charity

Aqiqa involves distributing the meat of the sacrificed animal to the poor and needy. This act of charity is highly emphasized in Islam and is considered a means of seeking Allah's blessings. By sharing the meat with those less fortunate, parents express their concern for others and instill the value of generosity in their child from an early age.

Naming the child

It is customary to give the child a name during the aqiqa ceremony. Choosing a meaningful and appropriate name for the child is an important aspect of the aqiqa ritual. Additionally, the name often carries significance and reflects the aspirations and hopes of the parents for their child.

Strengthening family and community bonds

Aqiqa is typically celebrated with family and friends, bringing them together to share in the joyous occasion. Furthermore, it serves as an opportunity for relatives and community members to offer their support, blessings, and well wishes to the child and their family. It strengthens the bonds within the family and fosters a sense of community spirit.

While aqiqa is not obligatory in Islam, it is considered a recommended practice and holds spiritual and social significance for the newborn baby and their family.

Sunnah of Aqiqa

Performing Aqiqa is considered a Sunnah (recommended practice) in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions practiced and recommended Aqiqa as a way of celebrating the birth of a child and seeking Allah's blessings. Here are some aspects of Aqiqa that are based on the Sunnah:

Time of Aqiqa

It is recommended to perform Aqiqa within seven days after the birth of the child. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Every child is mortgaged with his Aqiqa, which should be slaughtered on his behalf on the seventh day, and he should be named" (Sunan Abu Dawood).

Animal Sacrifice

The Sunnah recommends sacrificing a sheep or goat for Aqiqa. Also, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself sacrificed two sheep for his grandsons, Hasan and Husayn (may Allah be pleased with them). It is also permissible to sacrifice larger animals like cows or camels if one has the means to do so.

Slaughtering and Distribution

The animal should be slaughtered following the Islamic method of sacrificing, with the name of Allah being pronounced at the time of slaughter. As well, the meat is then divided into three parts: one-third for the family, one-third for relatives and friends, and one-third for the poor and needy.

Naming the Child

Aqiqa is an appropriate time to name the child. It is recommended to choose a good and meaningful name that has a positive Islamic significance.

Shaving the Baby's Hair

It is a common practice, although not obligatory, to shave the baby's hair after Aqiqa. This act symbolizes the child's purity and new beginning in life.

Giving Charity

Online Quran classes for kids teach us about Aqiqa is an opportunity to perform acts of charity by distributing the meat to the poor and needy. It is encouraged to share the joy of the child's birth by providing nourishment to those who are less fortunate.

While Aqiqa is a recommended practice, it is important to note that it is not obligatory in Islam. Its observance may vary among different cultures and regions, but the underlying purpose of expressing gratitude to Allah, seeking His blessings, and celebrating the birth of a child remains consistent.


In conclusion, Aqiqa is a recommended practice in Islam that holds significance for a newborn baby and their family. It involves sacrificing an animal, usually a sheep or goat, within seven days of the child's birth. Aqiqa is a way of expressing gratitude to Allah, seeking His blessings, and celebrating the arrival of a child. It symbolizes purification, welcomes the child into the Muslim community, and strengthens family and community bonds. The meat from the sacrificed animal is shared with the poor and needy, promoting acts of charity.

Aqiqa is also an occasion for naming the child, choosing a meaningful name that reflects the parents' aspirations. While Aqiqa is a Sunnah, it is not obligatory, but its observance varies among different cultures and regions. Overall, Aqiqa is a joyful and spiritually significant tradition that carries deep cultural and religious meaning in Islam.
