Implementation of mobile device cloud testing

মন্তব্য · 70 ভিউ

POC implemented in the cloud: Although any mobile device testing strategy utilizing the cloud will be more agile and scalable, it is recommended that the team develop a detailed and reliable plan containing optimization points.

High scalability: There is no limit to the amount of data that a server can accommodate. Testers can also use multiple devices to test their applications simultaneously without affecting the quality of the application.

Infinite testing automation integration: With the help of automation tools, the cloud allows you to expand platform coverage and platform resilience, thereby improving team efficiency without sacrificing application quality

Cost reduction: Performing cloud based mobile application testing can minimize the cost of setting up testing laboratories or internal infrastructure. It also significantly reduces maintenance costs as your service provider manages the 'cloud'.

Cross time collaboration: The ability to access files regardless of location and device frees teams from the physical aspects of data, enabling team collaboration. It also provides excellent transparency for project management.

Implementation of mobile device cloud testing

Integrating cloud mobility testing into your project is not difficult. Your implementation plan should include the following details:

AUT parameters for cloud testing: Some standards for cloud testing applications are those that have a large target audience, require extensive performance testing, complex UI or imaging functions, and native mobile applications.

The prerequisites for a cloud testing platform include supported testing frameworks, mobile environments, automation tools, etc.

Cloud platform candidate: The main public clouds (AWS, Azure) provide cloud based mobile testing services with limited testing capabilities. The team can also use professional cloud based software testing solutions, such as Kobiton. Another option is automated testing tools, which provide integration for cloud based software testing. Among these 15 mobile testing tools available in the industry, any tool can maximize the utilization of cloud technology. For a comprehensive solution, the team can try Katalon, as this automation tool is designed for all experienced testers and can be extended to teams or projects of any size.

POC implemented in the cloud: Although any mobile device testing strategy utilizing the cloud will be more agile and scalable, it is recommended that the team develop a detailed and reliable plan containing optimization points. For example, you should use parallel testing methods because they leverage the advantage of cloud testing: the ability to run almost an infinite number of tests at once.

If properly applied, cloud technology will continue to provide great convenience and transparency in any industry. The online storage and computing features of the cloud create great flexibility: all your data is in one place, and all you need is a WiFi connection to access it. Therefore, enterprises and developers should adopt cloud mobile testing during the development process to ensure their competitive advantage in the market.
