Requeening Made Easy: Expert Tips and Techniques - BeeKeepClub

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Have you ever wondered how to requeen a hive? Requeening is an essential skill for beekeepers, as it helps maintain the health and productivity of a bee colony. In this article, we will explore expert tips and techniques for requeening a hive. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced b


Have you ever wondered how to requeen a hive? Requeening is an essential skill for beekeepers, as it helps maintain the health and productivity of a bee colony. In this article, we will explore expert tips and techniques for requeening a hive. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you successfully requeen your hive.

What is Requeening?

Requeening is the process of replacing an old or unproductive queen bee with a new queen. The queen bee is the most important member of the colony, responsible for laying eggs and maintaining the population. requeening is necessary for several reasons, including:

  • Replacing an old queen that is no longer productive
  • Eliminating aggressive or poorly performing queens
  • Introducing genetics from a different queen to improve the colony

When to Requeen

Knowing when to requeen is crucial for successful beekeeping. Here are some signs that indicate it is time to requeen your hive:

  • Decreased egg-laying: If you notice a decline in egg production, it may be a sign that your queen is aging or becoming less productive.
  • Aggressive behavior: Bees with an aggressive queen can be difficult to handle and may pose a danger to beekeepers and neighboring colonies.
  • Poor brood pattern: A healthy queen should lay eggs in a tight, organized pattern. If you notice spotty or irregular brood patterns, it may be time to consider requeening.
  • Declining population: If your hive is experiencing a decline in population, it could be due to an aging queen. Requeening can help rejuvenate the colony and increase its strength.

Requeening Techniques

There are several techniques for requeening a hive, and the method you choose will depend on your beekeeping goals and preferences. Here are some common techniques:

  • Direct introduction: This method involves introducing the new queen directly into the hive. It is important to ensure that the bees accept the new queen without harming her. To increase acceptance, you can use techniques such as "caging" or "banking" the queen before introducing her to the hive.
  • Queen cell introduction: This method involves introducing queen cells into the hive. Queen cells are created by the bees themselves, and they contain developing queens. This method allows the bees to choose their new queen, mimicking a natural process.
  • Splitting the hive: Splitting the hive involves creating a new colony by dividing an existing one. This method allows for the requeening of both the original and new colony. It is an effective way to prevent swarming and increase the overall population of your beekeeping operation.


Requeening is a vital aspect of beekeeping that can greatly impact the health and productivity of your hive. By following expert tips and techniques, you can successfully requeen your hive and ensure the longevity of your beekeeping operation. Remember to evaluate the signs that indicate it is time to requeen and choose the method that best suits your goals and preferences. Happy beekeeping.
