The Media-Friendliness of Nonfiction Books

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Smith Publicity, Inc is the leading book marketing firm in the publishing industry, providing book promotion services, author promotion services and author publicity to published writers in the United States and Canada.

Getting noticed is every author's goal, and book marketing services have become ever more wide-ranging and sophisticated. Every book has promotional value, but nonfiction titles are more naturally viewed as newsworthy and have a leg up. It's because they provide helpful information that the media also views with interest. Therefore, the potential is significant with a well-planned marketing campaign that includes the proper outreach. Social media promotion can be part of it, but industry veterans advise a multi-faceted campaign is necessary. In addition, media coverage is persuasive social media content.

The media side of book promotion flows from impressing editors and producers of a book's news value and your (the author's) potential. It can end up as you becoming an interview guest or providing quotes for an article on a topic matching your book's. Either way, it confers stature on you as an expert in your field, and the coverage amounts to an endorsement. When prospective readers find out about your work from a media source, they can be persuaded to purchase and read a copy. It's why developing press materials that focus on newsworthy aspects of your content is so important – make it easy to find them.

Some authors use their books and the resulting marketing campaigns more to promote their business than sell copies. But if book sales are your primary goal, keep in mind that consistent sales can be more significant than an initial rush. Many of the world's most successful books have sold copies and downloads in a slow-drip manner over many years or decades. While it's exciting to have an initial rush, think strategically and value long-term sales. It's also crucial to think creatively about your promotional campaign and make sure it clarifies why your work is more valuable than competing author's books. 

An author's visibility is crucial to successful book PR. You will become the person covered and the interview guest, so it won't work if you remain in the shadows. Long before your publication date, get used to being visible and participating actively in social media. Don't forget a website. They are essential for every author. Your site does not need to be overly long, but it does need to convey the required information, including links to places where your book is for sale. Include your bio, a headshot, and links to your press coverage. Anything that will pique people's interest belongs on your website.
